Kenwood Hybrid Transceiver
Sales, Restoration & Service

by Ken K4EAA

Site and Parts Store Maintained in Memory of Ken (SK 2020)

Last Updated August 2024 

Click Here to shop my Kenwood hard-to-find Parts

Kenwood TS-520, TS-520D, TS-520S, TS-520SE, TS-520SP, TS-820, TS-820S, TS-530S, TS-830S, R-820

Amateur Radio equipment Information & Service : Transceivers, Receivers, VFOs, Antenna Tuners, Speakers, Ham Projects, Technical Information, Schematics, Repair Procedures, Information about Vintage Kenwood Ham Radio equipment

Primary Station Nov 2005

My Primary Station as of November, 2005.  Pictured starting from left:  SM-220 Station Monitor, VFO-240 Remote VFO (Top),  TS-830S Gold Edition Hybrid Transceiver, MC-50 Microphone (Top), SP-230 Remote Speaker with filters, AT-230 Antenna Tuner SWR & Power Meter (Top),  - Vibroplex Deluxe circa 1963 (Foreground)
The Equipment Sales Page is active again!    Try It!
My Equipment Sales button has been "dead" since I've been ill, but I'm getting it going again!  Every week there will be a few more pieces of gear (I've got many hundreds) displayed, about as fast as I can photograph them and get them posted.   I have that nasty dialysis 3 times/week, that slows me down quite a bit, but I've got to keep trying - It can only get better!

One and Three Quarter Million+ Pageviews and counting!   Thanks!
It's been 13 years since I started this site, and your response has been tremendous!  Thanks to all of you who have visited, and I'm very pleased that I have been able to help so many Hams with their Kenwood Hybrids.   Please enjoy the 100 or so pages that I have been able to provide . . .


About Me
Hello.  I'm Ken, K4EAA, and I restore Kenwood Hybrid rigs to their original performance standards.  I also make sure that they are cosmetically appealing, and will look great in your shack!  I've been licensed since 1963, I hold an Amateur Extra Class license, and have a BSEE in Electrical Engineering.  I've been building, repairing, and restoring Ham Radio gear since the 1960's, and know the Kenwood Hybrids especially well.  ( . . . like the back of my hand?)  I sure have owned enough of them!

The picture above is a photo of my primary station.  It includes all Kenwood equipment, early 80's or earlier vintage.  All of this equipment was lovingly restored by me, and is maintained to the original high Kenwood standards.

I look forward to meeting and working with you.
Best of 73's,

home About Hybrid Models Restoration Steps Repair Examples Service Rates Equipment Sales

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All Photos and content copyright 2005-2021 K4EAA, Ken Kemski.